Banbury Methodist Circuit

About Us

Banbury Circuit is principally rural, covering three counties; North Oxfordshire, South Northamptonshire and South Warwickshire. The town of Banbury is a market town with one central larger church and four smaller churches surrounding it, one of which is an LEP. These are Marlborough Road in central Banbury, Easington, Fairway and St. Francis (LEP)

Surrounding Banbury are a number of rural Chapels, they are Adderbury, Chacombe, Cropredy, Greatworth, Hinton, Hornton, Shipston on Stour and Wigginton.

There is huge growth in new housing around Banbury and many of the villages and alongside Banbury Christians Together we seek to address the growing needs of our communities.

As the Methodist Church we are part of a world-wide movement that has been around since it was founded by the Wesley brothers in the 18th Century, we are connected strongly with links to Northampton Methodist District and nationally.

The circuit seeks to encourage, enable and support its churches to respond to God’s love in Christ in the communities where they are. It does this through worship, study, prayer and mutual support, sharing their faith and through service. Individual churches are encouraged to do this in their own communities, where many play an important role in the life of the village.

The circuit employs a full-time Children and Families worker based at Hinton church and we have a volunteer lay Pioneer worker based in one of the many new housing estates surrounding Banbury.

Hymn Books

Singing the Faith

music and words available at Chacombe, Cropredy, Easington, Fairway, Greatworth, Hinton and Hornton. This is the main hymnbook in Marlborough Road, Cropredy and Shipston

Singing the Faith hymn book cover

Hymns and Psalms

is in use in all churches in the Circuit except Marlborough Road, Shipston and Cropredy.

Hymns and Psalms hymn book cover

Mission Praise

is available at St Francis, Greatworth and Hinton.
Combined Mission Praise is available at Hinton.
Complete Mission Praise is available at Adderbury.


Mission Praise hymn book cover

Songs of Fellowship

is available at Chacombe and St Francis and Wigginton.

Songs of Fellowship hymn book cover

Circuit Supplement

is available at Easington and Greatworth.


The Methodist Worship Book

is available at Marlborough Road.
The Communion section is available at Adderbury, Cropredy, Easington, Fairway, Greatworth, Hinton, Hornton, Shipston and Wigginton.

Methodist Worship book cover


Loop Hearing System

is in use at Adderbury, Cropredy, Easington, Fairway, Hornton, Marlborough Road, Shipston, St Francis and Wigginton.

Hearing Loop logo

Braille Hymn Books

Singing the Faith in Braille is available at Marlborough Road.

Hands over Braille dots


An installed computer projection system is available at Marlborough Road, Shipston, St Francis and Wigginton.
A portable data projector is available, contact the Circuit Administrator

have been taken up at Hornton, Marlborough Road, Shipston, St Francis and Wigginton, so preachers can use words for hymns from other books which are covered by the licence if they desire. Please liaise with Church Stewards about this.