Banbury Methodist Circuit

Messy Church Splat

Our Five Values

All Ages

Messy Church is for adults and children to enjoy together. Every element aims to be relevant and accessible to all ages.


Messy Church reflects the creativity of God in its imaginative hands-on approach to being church together.

Christ Centred

Messy Church is a church that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour.


Messy Church is outward-facing, welcoming everybody to enjoy the hospitality and unconditional love of God.


Messy Church reflects a God of joy who wants his people to have life in all its fullness.

All about Messy Church in the Circuit

All about Messy Church in the Circuit

Messy Church happens each month at Hinton Methodist Church in Woodford Halse and Marlborough Road Methodist Church in Banbury.  Each session sees many families coming together to be creatively messy, enjoy conversation and celebration, with songs, stories and puppets. We always end with a very tasty “high tea” (sandwiches, cakes etc). 

 Our teams are made up of people from the local church and community and we hope that you will always find a very warm welcome as well as lots to do for all the family. 

 For the little ones there is a small play area for when they tire of the crafts and our team are always on hand to chat and help with the various crafts and activities.

 Science is always a popular activity at Messy Church and we’ve experimented with “clouds in a jar”, making electrical circuits with fruit, storms in a bottle, bridge building with marshmallows and spaghetti, “penny” rockets and light boxes.

 Some of our messiest crafts have included “bath bombs”, “marbled boats”, “bubble blowing pictures”, “jelly plagues”, moon sand and much, much more messiness.

 We also love Lego, junk modelling, cardboard boxes, paint and glitter, but one of our favourite activities is food when we’ve made rice paper coats, toasted shapes, cookies (lots of cookies) cakes, sweetie gardens, Easter nests and many more yummy treats. 

During lockdown we sadly weren’t able to meet in the church buildings but had continued our messiness through Messy Church in a Bag each month and an online celebration with story, songs, prayers and puppets.